
The cut-off values suggested are based on recommendations in Sweden. Find out which recommendations apply in your country.

  • Genome testing of female animals



  • Breeding value, Hoof Health Index

    Over 110

    Under 100

For best results 

  • Do not breed using animals with poor hoof health and/or abnormal claw shapes such as corkscrew claw, asymmetry or scissor claw.   
  • Cull cows with chronic hoof problems.  
  • Include hoof health in your breeding strategy.  
  • Genome test your females to achieve faster breeding progress.  
  • Select bulls with a high breeding value for hoof health and check the different breeding values for the type of hoof disorder affecting the herd.  


  • If you choose to breed an animal with poor hoof health, inseminate with or use a beef bull so that the bad traits are not inherited in the herd. 

  • If a bull is used on a small number of animals, it is preferable to use a beef bull so that any bad traits are not inherited in the dairy herd. 

  • There is a strong association between good hoof health, survival and sustainability.

  • Recording hoof health makes it possible to create a reliable Hoof Health Index. 

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