
The cut-off values suggested are based on recommendations in Sweden. Find out which recommendations apply in your country.

  • Time in holding pen (parlor/rotary), minutes per day

    Less than 45

    More than 60

  • Time in holding/waiting pen (automatic milking), minutes per day

    Less than 30

    More than 60

For best results  

  • Review stocking density (See building block "Stocking density"). 
  • Make sure there are no blind alleys in the cow housing.  
  • Offer at least 2 kg DM of feed per cow on the feeding table for at least 23 hours per day.   
  • Position water, brushes, etc. so that the cows using these do not block passageways or areas for other cows.    
    • Passageways must be wide enough to allow cows to meet easily and to avoid congestion.  
  • Avoid 90-degree turns.  
  • Avoid transitions from light to dark areas in the barn.  
  • Plan so that cows in the early stages of lactation spend as little time as possible in holding pens, for example by keeping these animals in smaller groups.  


  • Milking parlor/rotary 

    • Adapt the group to the holding pen so that they spend no more than 45 minutes there. Especially important when milking 3 times a day. 
  • Automatic milking  

    • Calculate the number of animals allowed in the holding/waiting pen so that the number of animals brought in does not exceed the number expected to pass through in 30 minutes. 
    • Do not fetch newly calved cows to the holding/waiting pen for automatic milking if there is a risk of them not moving through easily.  

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