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Identify and treat


The cut-off values suggested are based on recommendations in Sweden. Find out which recommendations apply in your country.

  • Is there a daily routine for detecting lame cows?



  • Can a lame cow be examined and treated within 24 hours of detection? 



  • Cows dead or euthanised on the farm, i.e., not sent to regular slaughter, of cows culled (last 12 months)

    5% or less

    20% or more

  • Do we succeed in rehabilitating lame cows so that they can be sent to normal slaughter?



For best results   

  • Create routines to detect acute lameness at an early stage. 
  • Train all employees to recognise cows with locomotion disorders in order to take action early.  
  • Deal with lame cows within 24 hours  
    • Examine the hooves in the chute as soon as possible to establish a diagnosis if possible.   
    • Wash the feet for examination.  
    • Mesure the temperature, contact the vet if the cow’s temperature is above 39 ⁰C.   
  • Provide treatment  
    • Identify disorders and treat them according to national guidelines. 
    • A professional hoof trimmer or vet must be called if an injury to the hoof is found that is not recognised or you do not know how to treat it. Call a vet to lame cows when the origin of lameness is not found in the hoof.  


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